History and prehistory
Gabriola SOUNDER, September 17, 1999: The 18th-century Spanish Expeditions to Gabriola, p.7 Unpublished submission - Gabriola SOUNDER, September, 1999: Dear Editor: Article mistakes Gabriola SOUNDER, October 15, 1999: So where are you from?, p.24 — essay on human migration to North America Gabriola SOUNDER, November 26, 1999: Pick a history-but make it good, p.19 — essay on Vancouver Island history 1774–1852 Gabriola SOUNDER, April 28, 2000: Dear Editor: The Egeria bench mark at Green Wharf, p.5 Flying Shingle, July 2005: Malaspina was here, 33(11), p.1 VANCOUVER SUN, July 9, 2007: Dear Editor: Explorer depended on the moon to find his way, p.A10 — Capt. Vancouver’s longitudes Flying Shingle, May 30, 2008: Gavi “what a”? Or how Gabriola got its name, p.11 Flying Shingle, July 16, 2008: Ah an a, p.6— pronouncing “Gabriola” Gabriola SOUNDER, January 18, 2010: The Egeria petroglyph at Green Wharf, p.11.
Texada aggregate/goop/slime
Flying Shingle, February 2008: Dear Editor: Texada Goop-Let it weather, 36(3), p.3 Flying Shingle, February 2008: No arsenic found in Texada slime, 36(4), p.4 Flying Shingle, February 2008: More on arsenic, 36(4), p.10 Flying Shingle, April 16, 2008: Testing the Texada “Goop”- a summary, p.3 Flying Shingle, May 30, 2008: Dear Editor: Arsenic levels on Gabriola ‘not excessive’, p.6 Flying Shingle, May 30, 2008: Meeting about Goop delivers good results, p.7 Unpublished July 4, 2008: Ministry meeting follow-up letter Flying Shingle, June 13, 2008: Dear Editor: Goop Confusion, pp.5, 8 Flying Shingle, February 8, 2010: Your lips are moving... Flying Shingle, February 8, 2010: ...but I can't (won't?) hear you, p.9.
Electromagnetic and nuclear radiation
Gabriola SOUNDER, April 6, 2009: RE: Electromagnetic radiation, 19(14), p.6 Flying Shingle, May 9, 2011: Nuclear radiation, 39(19), p.7 This file includes: May 30, 2011: Cats who live in boxes have best advice on radiation, 39(22), p.5 Gabriola SOUNDER, July 11, 2011: The dangers of opening the door, 21(27), p.5 Electromagnetic radiation from keyless car door opening systems compared with that from BC Hydro's smart meters and their potential to be health hazards Gabriola SOUNDER, September 12, 2011: Saving us from cellphone radiation, 21(36), p.4 It makes no sense to ban cellphone towers if you don't also ban cellphones Gabriola SOUNDER, October 3, 2011: Survey of electromagnetic field strengths on Gabriola Island, 21(39), p.6 Flying Shingle, October 31, 2011: Smart meter nonsense, 39(44), p.5 Anti-smart meter Californian websites get their "facts" all wrong and are deceitful Unpublished submission - Gabriola SOUNDER, November, 2011: Dear Editor: EMF Survey on Gabriola updated to include the new cellphone tower in Silva Bay Flying Shingle, November 21, 2011: BC Hydro's problem of meeting the demand, 39(47), p.6 Addressing some objections to smart meters Flying Shingle, December 12, 2011: Be careful what you believe, 39(50), p.5 Speculation on the cause of electrosensitivity Flying Shingle, January 6, 2014: Commons meter decision smart choice, 42(01), p.6.
Environment & sustainability issues
Flying Shingle, November 28, 2008: Dear Editor: Best green power is to reduce use, p.5 Flying Shingle, December 17, 2009 to March 22, 2010: RE: Gabriola's carbon neutrality Flying Shingle, September 13, 2010: RE: Developing forest land for a medical clinic, 38(37), p.6 Flying Shingle, November 21, 2011: BC Hydro's problem of meeting the demand, 39(47), p.6 Addressing some objections to smart meters.
Ferries and island life
Gabriola SOUNDER, December 24, 2003: Dear Editor: Think about it, p.4 — Island life Gabriola SOUNDER, July 23, 2007: Dear Editor: Island economics, p.4 Flying Shingle, December 2007: High fares good for the environment, 35(22), p.3 — ferry fares Flying Shingle, February 2008: Ferry fare increases not all bad, 36(4), p.3 Flying Shingle, September 2008: A fare on the ferry for bikes?, 36(18), p.6 Flying Shingle, April 19, 2010: Population control, wolves and ferries, 38(16), p.8 Gabriola SOUNDER, October 14, 2020: COVID and wearing masks, p.7.
Intelligent design and other controversies
Flying Shingle, February 2007: You never know..., 35(4/24), p.3 Flying Shingle, April 2007: Nick “doesn’t want it”! 35(7/24), p.3 Flying Shingle, June 2007: Creative evolution-the discussion continues, 35(11), p.4 Flying Shingle, July 4, 2011: Assessing risk, 39(27), p.6 Flying Shingle, July 30, 2012: Blinkered beats blind, 40(31), p.7 - The Wisdom of Crowds.
Flying Shingle, December 2006: Dear Editor: Millions of gallons, 32(22), p.3 — judges and hydrologists Flying Shingle, November 2009: Dear Editor: Cold water on blue-sky energy, 37(22), p.5 — population growth and water Flying Shingle, September 2010: Dear Editor: Headline misleading, 38(36), p.5 — pumping pause raises water levels Flying Shingle, October 2010: Dear Editor: Water levels connect, minds of officialdom...not so much, 38(40), p.8 — groundwater extraction affects surface flows (RARs); yet, the two are disconnected in regulations.
Gabriola SOUNDER, October 29, 1999: A warm heart, p.20 — essay on plate tectonics Flying Shingle, August 15, 2008: Just one word, p.5 — formation of the Malaspina Galleries.
Parks and reserves
Flying Shingle, October 2005: Hurray for the new park, 33(16), p.7 — the 707 park Flying Shingle, October 2005: The price of a park, 33(17), p.11 — the 707 park Flying Shingle, September 7, 2010: Only RDN-approved trails allowed, 38(36), p.5 — in the 707 park Gabriola SOUNDER, March 18, 2020: RDN Camping Bylaw, riparian areas, p.2 — plus comment on Coats Marsh/707 Management Plans Gabriola SOUNDER, April 28, 2021: Ecological Protection Zone, P4, p.2 — letters on applicability to Coats Marsh RP.
Governance (Islands Trust, Regional District Nanaimo, etc.)
Flying Shingle, July 2004: A vacuum of public interest, p.8 — municipal status referendum Flying Shingle, November 2004: No checks and balances, p.6a — municipal status referendum Gabriola SOUNDER, November 18, 2004: Voting no, p.4 — municipal status referendum Gabriola SOUNDER, December 20, 2016: Somehere in the middle..., pp.4 & 10 — comment on the Potlatch Properties proposal (LTC GB-RZ-2016.1) Gabriola SOUNDER, April 4, 2017: Third reading for GB-RZ-2016.1, p.4 — comment on the Potlatch Properties proposal.
VANCOUVER SUN, February 1998: Dear Editor: You gotta have brains VANCOUVER SUN, March 2, 2001: Dear Editor: Capital idea, p.A19 — continental drift unpublished VANCOUVER SUN, February 13, 2004: Dear Editor: Arts & Life.
Voting methods
Gabriola SOUNDER, May 12, 2015: The Green/NDP federal election issue, p.4 — splitting the vote and its possible consequences Gabriola SOUNDER, December 8, 2000: The real election results, p.7 — proportional representation.
Natural History
Gabriola SOUNDER, January 7, 2000: The biggest tide of the century—again! p.13 Gabriola SOUNDER, November 1, 2016: Comments on poisonous mushrooms article Oct. 25 Sounder, 26(44), p.7.